Becoming A Member

Want to Become A Member?

Membership to Warringah Archers is paid on an annual basis (which is each individuals Anniversary Date on when they first join). Once you register you are provided with an Archery Australia membership card, which will list your current Anniversary Date and when your membership expires. Members should ensure that they become financial at least fourteen (14) days prior to expiry to allow the club to manage your renewals.

Prior to any shooting being undertaken by FULL MEMBERS your club fee structure needs to be complied with. Unless you are registered, you are not covered by Insurance; therefore you will be unable to compete in any activities at the club or external (tournaments), until registration is received.

Club Shooting Shirt (new members) $30.00 each

Seniors Full Members over 18 years of age: $328.00 / year (plus transaction fee)

Junior Members Under 18: $253.00 / year (plus transaction  fee)

Visitors / Temporary Membership Fee: $25.00 per visit

Associate Membership Fee: Price on application from committee and only applies to those members who are actively being coached by Warringah Archers Coaches.

The above fee structure applies to archers who have all their own equipment and do not borrow any club equipment (including arrows). If members borrow any part of the club equipment it will be at a cost of $10 per session, plus all repairs must be completed before returning equipment to the club house.

Members can shoot, Saturdays (main club shooting day at Northern Beaches Cromer Campus), registration & set-up isbetween 8.15 to 8.45, with shooting commencing at 9.00am.

Monday & Wednesday nights, registration & set up from 3.15pm with shooting commencing at 4.00pm

No U18 competitor is allowed to be shooting on the club premises without an adult being in attendance. Warringah Archers is a no-smoke zone.

CONSENT FORM: By signing the Membership form provided, you are consenting to the disclosure of personal information to be published on Warringah Archers website, newsletter and other publications. This consent only applies to the following:

  1. Photographs
  2. Results of the event
  3. Awards / Prizes received by entrants
  4. Other specific items identified by Warringah Archers

Applicants should be made aware that by giving this consent, they are permitting personal information about them to be published, which can be viewed by anyone who accesses Warringah Archers website or other publications, and that if consent is withheld, this publication will be withheld. Entrants further understand that this consent may be withdrawn at any time, upon written notice, and that consent is given voluntarily. Members registering should also abide by the Rules of the Association that govern the sport of archery.

If you wish to Join as a New Member, or renew your Existing Membership, this can be done directly with Archery Australia by clicking the buttons below: